Mgr. art. Pepucha Rudolf, ArtD.
Slovak composer and Music director. He is from Námestovo. Between 1995 – 2000 he studied composition at Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Bratislava (with Prof. J. Hatrik and Doc.D. Matej). In 2010 completed doctoral studies at Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Bratislava (with Prof. I. Parik (+2005) and Doc. D. Matej).
His works are predominately in style experimental and electroacoustic music. He is the author of hundreds of scenic and other compositions for Theater, Radio, TV and Film.
Prize SOZA – the best work of young author in 2002 – composition Pas de deux
Honourable mention for the Radio remix Woman with black wings – Festival of new
radio forms K. U. N. M. (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2003)
Main prize for the Radio remix Woman with black wings – International Festival of Radio
games Prix Bohemia radio 2003. (Czech Republic, 2003)
Main Prize for music for Radio play Liselotte, komtesa opica (Slovakia, Bojnice, 2003)
Prize Music Fund for music for Radio play Šaňov tatko (Slovakia, Bojnice, 2003)
Main prize in the category composer to the 30 years for work The End (IREM 2004, Italy, Rome)
Prize Music Fund for music for Radio play Vianočná ryba princeznej Johany (Slovakia, Kaskády 2005)
Main Prize “XAVER” for music for Radio play Poviedka o chlapcovi a divej husi (FRT 2007, Slovakia, Bratislava)
Main Prize for music for Radio play Princezná so zlatou hviezdou na čele (FRT 2009, Slovakia, Bratislava)
Main Prize for music for Radio play Kliatba na Zobore (FRT 2011, Slovakia, Bratislava)
Prize (Co-winner) of the Minister of Culture for ballet Angelika (2015)